These Salmon Cookies make a great wholesome treat or on-the-go snack!
100% natural, grain free dog treats
The fatty acids found in fish are perfect for providing moisture to skin & coats, helping to reduce itchy skin and boost overall coat health and more shine!
Fish is low in saturated fat but high protein, great for controlling weight.
Rich in Omega 3 & 6 which aren't naturally found in canine digestive systems – adding these oils to your dog's diet can have amazing benefits, including aiding in brain development, helping focus, memory and behaviour and even boosting your dog's immune system!
Not only will your dog love the taste of these cookies, they are also highly digestible
Lovingly made in Cornwall with sustainably sourced fish
Salmon 90%
Potato 10%
Analytical Constituents: Protein 28.9%, Ash 11.5%, Fibre 3.9%, Moisture 1.8%, Fat 31.8%
Local Delivery FREE delivery to LS4, LS5, LS6, LS7, LS8, LS9, LS14, LS15, LS16, LS17 and LS18 on orders of £20 and over
UK FREE delivery on orders of £30 and over